Redesign of the career portal at Kuhn Special Steel

Well-trained specialists and managers, motivated trainees and interns as well as reliable helpers are not easy to find. Continue reading

Some time ago, we decided to turn the tables under the motto “We apply to you!”: In our job advertisements, we apply as an employer to potential new colleagues. That’s why applicants not only learn about their future challenges in our advertisements, but also get to know our managers directly – so they know who they’re dealing with. After all, it’s about more than just a “job”: meaningful products and varied tasks, genuine appreciation, a corporate culture that is lived out, but also the relationship with the direct supervisor play a decisive role in our daily cooperation.

Of course, our ” CV ” is always evolving. The career section of our homepage has therefore been given a facelift in recent weeks. There you will find detailed explanations on a wide variety of topics, some of which we would like to present briefly.

Attractive social benefits
Our numerous employee benefits are constantly under review and have just been extended. Reconciling work and family life is of central importance, which is why, in addition to offering attractive social benefits, we are actively committed to current issues, such as the daycare subsidy.

Working with a severe disability
We create an inclusive working environment – in long-term employment, but also already in training. A disability is not an obstacle. Talk to us, we are happy to address the needs of each individual. In cooperation with specialist services and the Integration Office, we always find tailor-made solutions to ensure a workplace that is suitable for people with disabilities. This is demonstrated by examples such as employees with walking disabilities who use an e-scooter to cover distances in the hall or on the plant premises, or an employee for whom an air-conditioned forklift truck was purchased so that it can be operated despite his multiple sclerosis condition.

Linguistic integration and diversity
We are convinced that diversity is an asset and see the potential of foreign employees. To lower the inhibition threshold for an application, we also accept applications in Turkish, Russian and Polish – in these languages we can form sponsorships with native speakers in the company. To support linguistic integration, we also offer employer-funded German courses that are seamlessly integrated into everyday working life.

Safeguarding the future and sustainability
We belong to the energy-intensive industry. With a view to the energy transition, this results in a special responsibility – towards our environment and our employees, to whom we offer a future-proof workplace. Our vision is to achieve climate-neutral production in the distant future. Until then, we are working continuously on improving energy efficiency, using renewable energies and substituting fossil fuels. This is an important basis for us to be able to continue producing in Germany and contribute to strengthening the domestic economy.

Diversity of sectors and jobs
It is not only the tasks and thus the jobs we perform that are diverse. Supplying more than 40 industries also ensures that there is never a dull moment. After all, customized production always requires new approaches and solutions.

You can find detailed explanations of these topics below on our new careers page at Take a look!


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