Work anniversaries at Kuhn Special Steel

This year, 21 employees are celebrating at least ten years with the company. Continue reading

Our company now looks back on a history of more than 60 years. During this time we have grown steadily and meanwhile employ almost 330 people and 25 trainees at our site in Radevormwald. This year, 21 of these employees are celebrating at least ten years with the company.

This year also includes a very special jubilee: Yakub Colak has been part of Kuhn Special Steel for 45 years. This means he is celebrating the longest period of employ in the company’s history. We are very grateful to him and the other jubilarians for their dedication, loyalty and commitment.

Ralf Hübner has been with the company for 40 years, Dieter Hausmann celebrates his 35th anniversary this year, and Klaus-Dieter Schmidt, Torsten Wendt and Wolfgang Böttcher have been part of the team for 25 years. Christiane Anischevski, like Edmond Ferataj, has been with the company for 20 years, and Nicole Nuschke and Steven Potthoff have been with the company for 10 years.

Managing directors Dr. Heiko Brauckhoff and Mark Vierbaum thank the long-serving employees for helping to shape and mold the company on a daily basis with a great deal of motivation, commitment and initiative over the course of their years with the company. “It is a special pleasure for us to be able to thank so many long-serving employees again this year for their daily motivation and work for our company. We look forward to many more years of cooperation,” Dr. Heiko Brauckhoff announces.

Photo: © Kuhn Special Steel
(left to right: Dr. Heiko Brauckhoff, Klaus-Dieter Schmidt, Christiane Anischevski, Nicole Nuschke, Ralf Hübner, Yakub Colak, Steven Potthoff, Dieter Hausmann, Edmond Ferataj, Torsten Wendt, Wolf-gang Böttcher, Mark Vierbaum)


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