Bright eyes in the children’s and youth fire brigade

We have been based in Radevormwald since 1964 and whenever we have the opportunity, we are always happy to support “our” city. Continue reading

In particular, child and youth work is important to us. For example, for many years we have been supporting schools and kindergartens in the region in alternating years with our campaign “Donating instead of giving“.

At the end of 2019, we decided to make an additional special donation of € 10,000 for a non-profit institution in Radevormwald. Our employees decided who should receive this money. Everyone had the opportunity to submit a proposal and have it voted on.

We quickly found two favourites and so we decided to split the donation. The “Outpatient Ecumenical Hospice Radevormwald” received € 5,000. The same amount went to the “Children’s and Youth Fire Brigade Radevormwald”, which used the money to implement two projects: a play trailer, which was built from a disused flushing trailer and equipped with various balls, ropes, tyres, games and more, and a roller container, which was built by the supervisors of the children’s and youth fire brigades and equipped with various child-friendly fire brigade equipment. From pumps and hoses to brooms, radio equipment and the rest, there is everything the young firefighters need.

Due to coronavirus, the first use of the new equipment unfortunately had to wait a long time, but now the firefighters of tomorrow can get off to a full start again and fun and exercise during the practice drills and age-appropriate training in winter is no longer a problem.

We are very pleased that we were able to support these great institutions in their valuable work in Radevormwald and wish them continued success!


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