Halloween pumpkins at the elementary school

In the week before Halloween, our trainees transformed the Bergerhof elementary school in Radevormwald into a spooky fun Halloween workshop. Continue reading

Once again this year, our trainees organized a great Halloween activity for the fourth graders of the local elementary school with the support of the Radevormwalder Kinder- und Jugendring e.V. Equipped with numerous pumpkins and all the necessary craft materials, they visited the students in their classrooms and provided advice and support for the pumpkin carving activity.

The fourth graders were able to give free rein to their creativity and designed their pumpkin entirely according to their ideas. Our trainees did the carving and, according to the “trick or treat” motto, there was another little surprise: the pumpkins were filled with candy, crafts and writing materials before being returned to the students.


Students and trainees had a lot of fun together this afternoon and the next action is already being planned: At Christmas, the trainees want to organize a wish star action again, in which our employees will bring joy to needy children between the ages of 4 and 10 by granting them a long-awaited christmas wish.


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