New Managing Director for machining

Sebastian Kauke replaces Mark Vierbaum as operational Managing Director of Zerspanungstechnik Kuhn Edelstahl. Continue reading

On January 1, Sebastian Kauke took over as operational Managing Director of Zerspanungstechnik Kuhn Edelstahl GmbH. Mr. Kauke replaces Mr. Mark Vierbaum as operational Managing Director of the machining division. Dr. Heiko Brauckhoff will remain Managing Director of Sales and Mark Vierbaum will continue to manage the business of Klaus Kuhn Edelstahlgießerei GmbH.   

After training as an industrial mechanic, Sebastian Kauke went on to qualify as an industrial foreman in metal a few years later, after which he moved to RuhrPumpen in 2007. Among other stations, he worked there as production manager while coming into contact with the application areas of our products for the first time. From 2016 to 2018, Sebastian Kauke worked for the Kärcher Group in Duisburg before moving to GEA Group AG.  

At GEA, Sebastian Kauke worked as a production and plant manager for various areas and locations. We got to know and appreciate him a long time ago as plant manager of the GEA Westfalia Separator site in Niederahr, where our decanter bowls and extensions are assembled into decanters, among other things. Most recently, he was Managing Director of GEA Food Solutions Germany.   

Sebastian Kauke brings with him proven machining expertise from his previous professional positions, which will enrich our company management. At the same time, we have found in him a personality who has the necessary energy and stamina as well as the required technical and organizational expertise and foresight for the long-term organization and further development of machining in Radevormwald.  

In addition to his technical and organizational expertise, we are convinced that Sebastian Kauke will also support and promote our long-term, value-oriented approach to the management and organization of the company.   

After the first few days in his new role, Sebastian Kauke’s impression is thoroughly promising: “The positive impression I gained of Kuhn as a customer has also been confirmed for me as an employee. We all work on an equal footing here and everyone has their place in our ‘fully synchronized gearbox’. It’s great to know beeing a part of it from day one on!”   

We wish Sebastian Kauke a successful start to his responsible role and look forward to a good and long-term collaboration! 


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